Wednesday, September 5, 2007

My New Best Friend

Last Wednesday I got this glucose monitor and have been checking my blood sugar 4 times a day. Just yesterday I had another 3 hour glucose test. My fasting test was low, the next 2 high, and the last one is normal. These results have been sent to a high risk OB at Spectrum. The doctor there will decide if I need to be seen by them, or if I continue to be seen by the nurse/midwife at Booth (they don't deal with high-risk).

I'm just going with the flow for now. I want to continue with Circle of Care, but I want the have the proper care too! Hopefully I'll know before the weekend what's going to happen. Another plus(since I have to find some positive with this)....I think I might have another ultrasound!

1 comment:

Phil and Linda said...

It's just a little hiccup in the road. I had to give myself injections of blood thinner in the stomach 3 times a day during my entire pregnancy with Mike. You get thru it and it makes you stronger! Keep us informed on the results and best wishes always.
love ya