Saturday, March 29, 2008

Will She Have a Party to Wear it Too?

I found this dress on SALE and thought Linnea might need a pretty for a wedding in July. Cousins? Will it be a baby friendly shindig? If not....Cousin S....I offer to watch your babe during the ceremony...reception....whenever!

I figured I'd better try it on her before it's too late to return it...and good thing. It's a 12m but fits almost perfectly now. That's why I took the pics....she won't wear that one again!

Linnea's working on her Beyonce pose.

Friday night....such a cute pose I couldn't resist.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

One Day Shy...

Tomorrow Linnea hits 5 months and today she thinks she needs to get ready by rolling 3 times in a row this morning! What a little love she is.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

After naps...

We had 3 Blue Dog's AND Blue Bear with us today!!! HOW did that happen?

Linnea ALWAYS needs her pacifier, thinks Marcos.

I turned the cameras screen around so Marcos could see himself...

... and being tickled by Aunt Jill and Linnea a few seconds later.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


It's funny to remember how little she looked the first time she was in this tub! Linnea's sense of humour is starting to blossom...she laughs after a splash of water. And her hair! I can really tell how long its getting when it floats around her great head.

You can tell how much she was moving around in the water by all the ripples!

What happens when Linnea goes to bed with wet hair...must not forget to comb in future.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Naptime is usually 12:30, following a little Backyardagins, of course! The day these were taken, Marcos made it to the first commercial and was off to bed after waving to a sleeping L and pictures of mom, dad, grandma and grandpa.

Obviously, Aunt Jill was blocking his view.

Most...get...comfortable. The yellow stuffed animal is Tasha, a hippo, of the Byard Gang...and of course, Blue Dog.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Big Girl Now

My 4 1/2 month big girl had her first bowl of cereal today!!!!!! It was so much fun...

Linnea has been a fussy the last week or so while eating. Sean added a few holes to her bottles thinking she wasn't getting enough to satisfy her. It helped but she still fusses. So this evening I mixed a little rice cereal with about an ounce of formula, set her up in the stroller and wrapped that ridiculously big bib under her chin. A lot dribbled back out but after a few spoonfulls her chubby bare arms were quivering and her mouth would open wide as the spoon got close. I think it was a success!

4 Month Well Baby

Linnea saw Dr. Morley again last Thursday. It was very ironic: after watching a story on Today about "Momnesia," I missed the appointment by an hour, completely spacing that the time changed when I changed the date of the visit!

Oh, well! Wonderful doctors office. We got to an exam room about 15 minutes later! I think most places would have rescheduled.

Linnea was 14 lbs 8 oz and 24 3/4 ins! She's growing at same % she has been the last few months...her head continues to be a "great cranium" in the 75th%! Three shots that day, and she was a champ. Cried after the 2nd one but was comforted by a little "...My Sunshine."

M waiting patiently for Backyardigans.

L is doing great sitting supported. She stays in the exersaucer for as much as 10 minutes (longer when M is around). She LOVES watching her big cousin! They give great kisses by touching foreheads.

Rolling is the next big milestone. She's done it a few random times, but I'll mark the date when she does it at least a couple times. She went from back to belly on Wednesday, but I missed it!!! I was in the kitchen and when I came back to her she was on her belly. It was the coolest thing, though! I'm excited for her....but for me, just trying to enjoy and remember this little baby time!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Wonderful Digital

I downloaded Picasa 2 and I LOVE it. It's a beautiful way to look at and edit all of your pictures. How cool to look at all L's pics and see how she's changed. And so many moments to remember!

I took a bunch of pictures today of M and L that turned out great. And video! I'm going to have to figure out how to get those on a post.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Growing Like A.....Baby

Linnea and her Great Grandpa during Sundays visit.
Linnea's first time in this X-mas out fit from the Lopez fam. It's a 6-9 month size!!! This morning I weeded out all her too-small apparel to make way for the next two sizes. I've missed out on a few really cute pieces and don't want to miss any more. All her big clothes have been kept in a tote hidden under our ottoman (such a small apartment...great to have little spots like that!), but out of site, a few weeks go by before I think about checking them again.

Just home from a nice little dinner at Applebees last night, but up past her bedtime (usually between 6-8PM). She had a quick bath and fell asleep quickly.

A Year Ago

How crazy to think that one year a ago last Wednesday we found out Linnea was on the way! And a year from now she'll be the age Marcos was when he moved to MI!

From birth to 4 months