Wednesday, December 17, 2008

L's First Steps


L took a few steps this afternoon ( was towards the TV while her beloved "DaDa"/Backyardagains was on). Then, when Grandma and Grandpa heard about it tonight, Dad asked L to walk over to him, and sure enough, she did!!!! We all clapped and cheered, which promped L to keep going! She walked to me for a hug and kiss and then over to Grandma in the dinning room. What an exciting evening...and L sure was ready for bed after all that activity.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

L, M, and George

I had two sleepy kids on my hands today, but M "rested" while this picture was taken, so didn't really NEED the nap he barely got today. :)
L wore herself out standing unassisted today! She was so cute, holding on to toys or a sippy cup, standing for a almost 2 minutes in one stretch. She's also really mastered the yes head shake. Grandma R asked her if she wanted something yesterday...she shook her head no. G'R asked if she was sure and she shook her head yes!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happy Birthday, Linnea!

My L is One today!
We celebrated with cinnamon toast! Her party is Saturday, so she'll dig into cake then.

Sleepy L. After toast and presents, SHE crawled into the bedroom and waved good night!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Christmas in October?

L tried on this Santa suit for the first time today. I bought it for M just two months after we knew Emily was expecting! It's CRAZY to think...that was almost 3 years ago!

The kids are doing a great job sharing. L picks up the blocks, gives them to M and he puts them in the basket.

L must have short legs: most her 12 month pants are still too long. She crawels like such a mad women, she needs a belt to keep her diapered bottom covered. And forget about socks! They stay on for a few minutes and then one is hanging from her mouth like a puppy dog.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm Back

After a L-O-N-G month off....a new post.

August and early September have brought many changes to our lives. I'm taking things a day at a time.....not yet ready to type the whole story out, though. L is doing wonderful...I'm thankful she is so young and focused on exploring her little knee high world.

Linnea is amazing. Still sleeping wonderfully...2-3 naps during the day and 11-14 hours a night. While she's officially a cruiser, she's a speed demon on the floor, especially if she knows YOU know she's going after something she shouldn't touch. I think both of her top teeth are showing, but she HATES to have you check, so I don't try too hard.

Monday, August 4, 2008

After His Nap Today....

Marcos earned two stickers on his potty poster!!!! #1 Sucess and #2 Attempted!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

9 Months Old

She's crawling L style....Left foot flat on ground, drags right leg behind her. I'm certain this is a sign that she has little interest in crawling as a means of transportation and wishes to stand, thus, will be walking in no time. Take note: rubberband at back is to keep dress out of way!

The Stats: 19lbs 4oz
27 1/2 in
Head: 97th %ile
....and just perfect!

Thank goodness NO shots today! What a wonderful well baby visit we had. I love L pediatrician!

This next clip is from July 8th. As soon as I get new video of her crawl I'll post that for comparison!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Visit with G'G Rs

Friday, Em, M, L and I drove to Holland for a visit with Grandma and Grandpa. We made a stop at one garage sale and purchase a book both kids and a winter outfit for L. Grandma had a wonderful lunch for us. Cousin S was there to mow Grandpa's lawn and joined us for the meal.

L hasn't had much experience with smooth flooring, so she was very interested in how her feet squeaked on the hard wood.

L and cousin S

Thursday, July 24, 2008

L Photos from the Last Few Weeks

M, Grandma and L at Uncle Dick's

L's first swimming experience at the B family reunion July 13th. Such a beautiful day with perfect temperatures. L was not inpressed. She only napped for about a half hour so was not in the best spirits. She must have thought she'd have a nightmare about her mom getting pulled over on the way to the reunion that morning....I know it was that horrifying for me! My first time pulled over AND my first speeding ticket!:(

I should have known from the sleepy looks on their faces....
I took both kids to Blues on the Mall last night hoping to enjoy some music just before Em got out of work. The walk there was pleasant, but M started looking for Blue Dog(his best comfy friend) and I knew it was all over. We walked home quickly to the comfort of air conditioning and Finding Nemo.

Doesn't she look so old here? That look says, "Mom, not another picture. At least take this bib off first!"

L was supposed to be napping, but I caught her peeking out at me.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Messy Face

L LOVES meal time. The only food she wrinkles her face for is mashed potatoes. I have to give her something to hold on to while I feed her so she doesn't grab for the spoon and bowl. She loves feeding her self: Cheerios, star puffs, crackers, and even applesauce (most of that does NOT end up in her mouth).

Hey, L, you got a little something right ....there.

I love this picture. She's so easy with the smiles and laughs.

What's that hair style? Cupie doll....troll? No, she's too cute to call it that.

I tried to capture her "sick" eye in this photo. She's had a fever (her 1st), runny nose and cough the last few days but seems better this morning. Yesterday was the worst, yawning all day, and her eyes looked glassy and tired.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

8 Months Old (A Week Late)

I think L is going to be walking the furniture before she crawls! Her 2 bottom front teeth are very visible (cut 2 and 1 week ago Monday). I have video of her attempts at floor movement, but I gave up after an hour of trying to load.

Monday, June 23, 2008

What a Day!

Sean, M, L and I made a trip to the Grand Rapids Public Museum today.

M spots the carousel


We've had a tooth sighting!!! Ls left bottom front tooth is JUST visible. What a relief....I was getting worried the poor thing would be working on that thing for a couple more days!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Best Picture Ever

Taken by Uncle Bill at our Fathers Day celebration. Thanks, Bill!

A Few Photos from the Last Couple Weeks

Giving those thumbs a work out.

"Driving" her diaper box.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Works for Me Wednesday

This weeks Works for Me: "Mom, I'm Bored!"

Make a Kid Kitchen

My nephew, M, has a Grandpa who is a chef. They cook together often. M has been "Little Chef" since Ratatouille came out on DVD. When I started caring for Little Chef, we had lots of little toys, but nothing to captivate his interest in imitation. I made him a kitchen out of a car seat box and one smaller box.

I carefully pulled the box apart and turned it inside out so the car seat info wouldn't show. The design is VERY simple: two doors for the oven (big enough for him to crawl inside), magic marker burners with nobs, and a few shelves made from the small box. Clear packing tape and a box cutter works the best. Kids can decorate or use contact paper. Just use your imagination and your own kitchen for inspiration!

My basic little kitchen has lasted almost 4 months...and when this one has had enough we will recycle it and make another!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

An Ultrasound and a Trip to MN

Sean took L to ultrasound #2 a week ago Thursday. I was VERY impressed to get the results Tuesday after a long holiday weekend. Her hydronephrosis has improved (from stage 2 to 1). Dr. M-S will order another peek at her kidneys in 6 months. The results have been sent on to her urologist but I imagine he will have the same advice.

L on G'ma's lap at Granny's church

M and L after a bath at the hotel

We got the sad news that my Great Grandma R, Granny, past away Sunday, May 25. Tuesday evening, Mom, Dad, Em, M, L and I piled into a rental van and made the 9 hour trip to Cannon Falls, MN.

This was L's first trip and she was her normal patient, happy self.

Monday, May 26, 2008

What L's Dad Did Sunday

Caution: Turn volume down...this video is loud!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Warm Weather, Cool Clothes~In Pictures

LOVE this little dress. Gotta get use our of it now....don't think it is going to fit L very long!

And 10 minutes later...