Thankyou, Grandpa, for the new fruit treats! Ha, ha!!! Tricked Aunt Jill into giving me some BEFORE lunch!
Slippery little things....they keep sliding out of my mouth!
Hmmm...they need something...
So while Aunt Jill has her back turned doing dishes...
Look very closely....I see shiny new vegetables in the Chicken soup Grandpa made!
Alas....not so tasty, but a good experiment. Who wants pizza for lunch!
Marcos just likes contrasts in texture and flavors.
He isn't afraid to try combining non traditional ingredients.
Throw in a hand full of fruit snacks and Bob's your uncle, a new dish.
LOL!!!!!!!!! I love his expressive face. He looks so grown up. Last night I was eating tacos and he wanted some and said, "Mo meat!" It was so cute!!!
Soup becomes a complete meal when you add the gummie food group. Looks good to me Marcos!
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