Friday, June 29, 2007

Garage Sale Finds of the Day

I spent an hour today hitting sales in the neighborhood today....what fun! These two sleeper sacs and sleeper were my only purchases.

Aunt M.........and Cousin: My next ultrasound is on July 9th! What a co-winky-dink! Cousin-are you going to spread the news ASAP about little K after yours? I can't wait to find out!

M....see you in SIX DAYS!!!!(Please post lil' M pics today)



La Familia Lopez Robinson said...

Hi Jilly!
Sorry I haven't posted photos, but thanks for the baby girl clothes shots! I can't wait to go shopping with you. Burlington Coat Factory, here we come! haha
Can't wait to see you when we come out of immigration at the airport!

Jill said...

I volunteer my young man watching services.
You ladies can drop M and I off at Riverside Park on your way to Burlington.
Three days to go :>)

Jill said...

That's Grandpa that is offering the young man sitting services.

Sarah said...

Yes, I plan to come equip with pictures and gender related news.