L in the wooden highchair that many little R's have sat in.
Saturday we spent the morning at Aunt Beth's, helping to move out boxes and pack up her moving truck. Linnea was very helpful, napping for over an hour and then just being her cute little self while she and I watched the truck fill up.
Later that night, Linnea made some new friends but was not impressed. We went to the house of a guy Sean knows through work. Lots of people to meet...wife, kids, some friends and a big, old German Shepard. L did well, smiling at the kids and watching the dog intently. As it got closer to bedtime, though, Lil'L did NOT want to be held by strangers! I've NEVER seen her get so worked up. She cried her first tear. Super Dad to the rescue... While I made her a bottle (even though she'd had her last meal of the evening, I was desperate to comfort!) Sean took her into the bathroom. She was calm by the time I finished preparing the bottle, smiling at herself in the mirror. After 3/4 of a bottle, she was fast asleep, tacoed on a blanket in the gated off living room.
Sunday was a lazy day. My back has been hurting on and off and got worse by Sunday. Did some housework, played with Linnea....ohhh, and tried to recreate a dish, Eggs Casino, I had in Moralia last year. I'll post a pic of it later and maybe Em can help me critique the ingredients.
Anyway...L had a lot of belly time Sunday. She's still not rolling much, but just in the last few days is pivoting on her belly and working on getting her knees under her!
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