Such a sweetheart! Talking up a storm...she's really established a routine with sleep, useally getting in two good naps a day and 7-8 hours before a feeding at night. Linnea is pushing 13lbs and about 23 in. Hydronephrosis will be checked again in 6 months by ultrasound.

This outfit came from Grandma, picked up at a garage sale last summer. LOVE it. Oh, and come spring, stay off GR residential streets or just watch out for Grandma, Aunt Em and I! Can't wait for the sales, but it ain't pretty as we drive around using our "sale-dar"(cutting across 2 lanes of traffic for a "feeling")!

The camera amazes her. She's so quick with the smiles at the least bit of attention, but I'll make a grab for the camera and she stares with a glazed look at the red light.

Linnea is reaching for toys! It's so cute. This rattle from Mexico is a favorite. Light weight with a nice jingle.

My only complaint...trying to keep her neck rolls clean and dry! Such a messy eater.:)