Today was our first day at "Preparing for Childbirth" class at Spectrum. We're in a group of 9 other couples. Sue, our instructor, is very nice. We talked about relaxation and practiced exercises and breathing techniques, which is our homework.
I TOTALLY spaced the fact that Sean has a minor medical procedure scheduled for the same time as our next class!!!:( I'm VERY disappointed...haven't gotten a hold of Sue yet, but the registration lady for class assured me conflicts happen all the time and that Sue will have no problem getting us the information that we'll miss....important medications for labor and delivery!!! Oh, well....
The last two classes will be about caring for Linnea after her arrival, review of relaxation, postpartum and the tour!
Wednesday: Circle of Care
My 3 care group was a little different this time as 5 women were no-shows! (I'd hate to discuss important things, you can share all your new aches and pains, and there's great snacks:)) There were 3 new additions plus 2 other guys came, so Sean was not the only man in the room this time.
I got a double dose of relaxation this week. We got massages and practiced whole body relaxing, where you start at your head and work your way down. After discussion, I made a heating bag out of rice and a tube sock, which has already come in handy, and picked out some nice lotion to take home.
The last half of group is busy time. I took my own blood pressure....110/70ish, normal and good. Took my weight; I've gained 3lbs this month for a total of 15.4! What a relief! I was worried about gaining too much, but as long as I keep it at this rate, I'll be very satisfied. Linnea's around 3 pounds now, so most of the weight I gain these last 2 1/2 months will be mostly her!!!:)
Today wasn't a set appointment. I rolled out of bed this morning and was out of the house within a half hour. My first stop was the farmer's market (only a block from the clinic). I checked out the whole thing and went back to a stale for nectarines and big banana peppers (for stuffing with cheese and baking).
I didn't dawdle too much...didn't know how long clinic visit would take and they close at 12 for lunch.
I had my 3rd and HOPEFULLY last glucose test. This one was just another one hour test, so I drank their nasty orange stuff and had an hour to catch up on gossip in Us Weekly. Then, 2 tubes of blood for the test. She also took a titer for Rh antibodies and gave me a shot! Yuck. This was because my blood is Rh negative. The shot is called Rhogam and is to protect my body from making antibodies against Linnea's blood if she's Rh positive.
And that's it! I can't believe now time is flying! Just think....I might only attend 2 more Circle of Care meetings before she's here!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007 update
Wow, what a difference a few weeks make! I hit the third trimester Tuesday....week 28. Maybe 12 weeks to go!!! I don't think I'd MIND a little early as long as it isn't Oct 12-14 when Grandma and Grandpa R will be in Phoenix.
Linnea is moving around SO much. I definitely feel pregnant now, where before my body still KIND of felt like my own. Nights are a lot more difficult: bathroom trips (2-3), horrible reflux (even though I'm on Zantac), and hot flashes. Plus, this last week my schedule has completely changed with a temp job in Kentwood, working 4 to midnight. It's hot, noisy, and fast paced.
Tomorrow is my first childbirth preparation class at Spectrum!!! I'm very excited. Its 4 classes over the next 5 Mondays and will include a tour of the birthing unit. I think Sean's looking forward to it: although he has attended his children's births, he's never been to a prep class. My monthly "Circle" appointment is Wednesday, so I'll have another update then!!!

A little display of Linnea's things from Mexico. The doll and colorful rattle are from her Auntie Em and the beautiful cap, booties and mittens are from Uncle Sergio's sister-in-law, Alicia.

Linnea is moving around SO much. I definitely feel pregnant now, where before my body still KIND of felt like my own. Nights are a lot more difficult: bathroom trips (2-3), horrible reflux (even though I'm on Zantac), and hot flashes. Plus, this last week my schedule has completely changed with a temp job in Kentwood, working 4 to midnight. It's hot, noisy, and fast paced.
Tomorrow is my first childbirth preparation class at Spectrum!!! I'm very excited. Its 4 classes over the next 5 Mondays and will include a tour of the birthing unit. I think Sean's looking forward to it: although he has attended his children's births, he's never been to a prep class. My monthly "Circle" appointment is Wednesday, so I'll have another update then!!!
A little display of Linnea's things from Mexico. The doll and colorful rattle are from her Auntie Em and the beautiful cap, booties and mittens are from Uncle Sergio's sister-in-law, Alicia.
I painted this cabinet for Linnea's things. It's been used by Emily and/or I for 20 years or so. The green matches her bed and soon to be painted changing table. For now...I LOVE to have her cute things on display to look at!
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